Hot-Wire Probe Design and Calibration for High-Speed, High-Temperature Flows

Author: Jasmin Avila

Hot Wire 2
Hot Wire

The use of hot-wire anemometry in high-speed, high-temperature flows with large temperature variations presents unique challenges for probe calibration, design, and survivability. Researchers at the Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory (NDTL) have developed a custom hot-wire probe design and sensor attachment procedure. The design employs high-strength, high-temperature materials capable of surviving the challenging flow environment. The probe has proven successful at operating at conditions with a flow velocity of up to 455 m/s, stagnation temperatures up to 650 K, and mean stagnation temperature variations of approximately 100 K.

Additionally, a new temperature compensation method was developed to provide low bias errors over a large range of gas temperatures and Mach numbers. The calibration equation for the constant temperature mode of operation used in this study utilized a combination of correction factors introduced previously by other researchers. Mean velocity results were compared with pneumatic probe measurements and were found to be within the expected range of uncertainty.

A recent Measurement Science and Technology paper describing the experiments and results can be found here.

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By Joshua D. Szczudlak

Published by Jasmin Avila