Air Plant / Infrastructure

  • Air Plant
    • 50 lbm/sec up to 180 psia  (24 kg/sec up to 1240 kPa)
    • Multiple air circuit capability
  • Air Heating System
    • 100-1200° F non-vitiated  (40-650° C)
    • up to 2700° F vitiated   (up to 1500° C)
  • Vacuum System
    • 10 psia @ 50 lbm/sec  (70 kPa @ 24 kg/sec)
    • 2 psia @ 10 lbm/sec  (14 kPa @ 5 kg/sec)
  • Glycol Cooling Loop
    • 12 MW heat rejection from the cooling towers
  • Motor Drive System
    • 10 MW rotating input load capability
    • Cell specific motor / generators
    • Variable frequency drive
  • Aviation Fuel Storage and Handling System
  • Carbon Dioxide Storage and Handling System